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Cacao ceremony | Cacao ecstatic dance | Cacao practitioner | Ecstatic dance

Cacao Ecstatic Dance | Meet Keith's Cacao Practitioner Aurore Sunrise

Keith’s Cacao, the finest 100% Pure Ceremonial Grade Cacao in the world, is the ultimate partner for conscious, ritual dancing and more! For Aurore Sunrise, a French national living on the island of Ibiza in Spain, Keith’s Cacao is the chosen medicine she has been called to share in conjunction with ecstatic dance that allows people to open up to their true nature and play!

For five years now, Aurore has held Cacao Ceremonies on the magical island of Ibiza, bringing this heart-opening medicine to locals and visitors. Aurora incorporates meditation, singing, ritual face-painting, and ecstatic dance into her cacao ceremonies, creating a safe space where people can reconnect to their hearts and express their magic.

How Aurore found Ceremonial Cacao

Aurore did not take to Cacao instantly. Her first experience with Ceremonial Cacao was at an ecstatic dance event, but, being too much in her head, she could not feel the joy she was seeing all around her. A few weeks later, The Spirit of Cacao drew her to the path again when she was called to assist in a Cacao Ecstatic Dance Ceremony during a Consciousness Festival. It was here that she experienced the magic of Keith’s Cacao! Aurore felt a shift in her consciousness. She felt the clarity and expansion, fully connecting to her heart. Even before she knew what she had drunk, she felt a voice in her head saying, “Guatemala, Guatemala!” This was The Spirit of Cacao calling her to become a Keith’s Cacao Practitioner.

She has tried many different brands of Cacao since then, but it is Keith’s Cacao that facilitated her spiritual awakening and continues to expand her heart and guide her way.

How Aurore shares Keith's Cacao

Aurore’s ceremonies are fun, exploratory, joyous, empowering, and releasing. She shares Keith's Ceremonial Grade Cacao from a place of gratitude and humility, creating a synergy with her participants, where everybody can talk be seen. She likes to present the Cacao pod, asking people to touch, smell, and chew a bean or two before drinking the Cacao elixir she prepares to have a complete sensorial experience. She then encourages participants to sing out their prayers, to open their voice as well as their heart.

Aurore then helps participants connect with their creativity and playfulness through a ritual face painting. Gazing into each other’s eyes to see beyond what is obviously visible, participants then paint each other’s faces, creating a kind of Avatar, a power and energy into which they then step in, dancing with themselves and with each other, in safe exploration and play.

You can keep up with Aurore and her offerings onInstagram @solar_sacred_dance and Facebook @solarsacreddance.

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