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Cacao practitioner | Ceremonial cacao | Coffee to cacao

From Coffee to Cacao: A Blissful Journey Back to The Heart

In this busy scurrying world, we each do what we can to find a sense of calm and clarity amidst the noise. Unfortunately, fueling ourselves each day with caffeine, as most do, tends to direct us away from the innate wisdom that allows us to find equilibrium. Cacao, on the other hand, bolsters our ability to live as an expression of our true selves by connecting us to our authentic center; our heart.

Ianthi's evolving coffee habit began in her university years, back in the early 1990s, when coffee was not so much a trend but a tool used to survive the grueling late nights and long hours of study. However, what began as a harmless study aid inevitably progressed to a dependency. A decade later, Ianthi found herself swept into the new dizzying trend of lattés, cappuccinos, and espressos, needing her daily dose of caffeine to persevere through each bustling day. 

Before she knew it, she had become so allured by the growing coffee scene in Cyprus that she opened her own café offering organic specialty coffee. Despite the daily discomfort of stomach upsets, migraines, jitters, and anxiety, she ignored her body’s innate intelligence, continuing with her coffee consumption for a few more years.

Inspiring a New Beginning

Exhausted and feeling disconnected by her unsustainable lifestyle and daily habits, Ianthi was eventually guided to find a new path, which led her to her first Cacao Ceremony. Sipping pure Ceremonial Cacao for the first time was an unforgettable experience, as she not only took delight in its delicious taste but was also overcome by a feeling of peacefulness and gentle elation. 

Observing her mindset subtly shifting to one of optimism and positivity, she was inspired to return to Ceremony again and again. Each week, she would feel embraced by the loving spirit of Cacao while surrounded by the friendly faces and open hearts that began to feel like family. This held no comparison to the crazed coffee scene she had become so used to!

Without much conscious effort, Ianthi began to notice her coffee habit organically dissipating. As Cacao became part of her daily ritual, the perpetuating feelings of stress and mental angst began to fade into the background, giving way to new sensations of love, clarity, and blissful connection. 

Releasing the Magic!

The open-heartedness that Ianthi experienced during her Cacao journey inspired her to train as a Cacao Practitioner a year later. As her relationship with Cacao deepened, so did her connection to her own self. While under the loving influence of ‘Mama Cacao,’ ignoring her body’s wisdom was no longer an option. “The changes brought about by my immersion into Cacao were such that I became so much more aware of myself and my body,“ she says.

“When I drink Cacao, I feel loved and loving.” Ianthi shares. “Coffee, on the other hand, feels heavy in my system and creates tension in my body and mind. Cacao, to me, is invigorating in a sexy, fluffy and playful way”. Under Cacao’s wing, Ianthi receives the focus, clarity, and motivation to pursue her projects without damaging her precious nervous system or quality of life. In Ianthi’s own words, “there is simply no comparison between coffee and Cacao!”

Once feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, Ianthi now feels inspired and impassioned to pursue her dreams. Today, Ianthi happily balances her life as a Writer, Chakradance facilitator, Frame Drums teacher, Mother, Cook, and of course a Keith’s Cacao Practitioner. With Cacao by her side, Ianthi can tackle anything that life throws at her with a loving smile and an open heart. As Ianthi shares, “I am a much better person with Cacao!” 

Thank you, Ianthi Sparsis, for sharing your magic with us. You can follow Ianthi's journey with Cacao on social media @ma_cacaorhythmdance @Ma Cacao Rhythm & Dance @Ianthi Sparsis

If you have a story about how making a switch from coffee to Keith's Cacao has transformed your life, please get in touch! We would love to hear from you.

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