Shona McFarlane had been drinking copious amounts of coffee for a decade, leading to insomnia and irritable bowel syndrome. Then she discovered Keith's Ceremonial Cacao, the perfect alternative for her daily energy needs! The switch did wonders for her quality of sleep, digestive issues, and overall mental and spiritual well-being. Are you ready to ditch coffee and opt for Keith's Cacao as your daily energy source?
Jennifer Tonin lives and works in a fast-paced, high-demand corporate environment in Milan, Italy, a country with a reputation for being Europe's coffee capital. Jennifer's challenge was introducing Keith's Cacao into the workplace as a replacement for the endless espressos to maintain focus, increase productivity and enhance creativity. The results were quite extraordinary!
If you are experiencing adrenal fatigue, you should seriously reconsider your relationship with coffee and seek a better alternative. By far, the best choice you can make is Keith’s Pure Ceremonial Cacao. Read on to understand why.