Craving novel experiences and adventures? Whatever it is you are drawn to –wilderness expeditions, world travel, rock climbing, mountain biking, surfing– this is the perfect time to use Ceremonial Cacao to tune out of the mundane and into a life of vim and vigor. So grab a cup –or thermos– of Keith's Cacao, get set, and go!
Breathwork, an ancient practice, is making a comeback as a wellness trend, empowering people to tap into their body's wisdom for more clarity, ease, and joy in life. But what exactly is Breathwork, why is it powerful, and how does Ceremonial Cacao enhance it?
Breathwork guide and Keith’s Cacao Practitioner Beau Bowker is led by a deep calling to help others feel their power and free their Spirit. Beau was introduced to Ceremonial Cacao and Breathwork at a difficult time in his life and was amazed to discover the incredible and revolutionary healing potential in communing with the Spirit of Cacao and connecting to the medicine of his own breath.
Breathwork facilitatorJohannes Egberts uses Keith's Cacao to facilitate a deeper connection to the cycles of nature, the people around him, and his transformational client work. Johannes starts the day slowly, mindfully, and intentionally with a cup of Ceremonial Cacao to optimize his mental and physical well-being throughout the whole day. He particularly enjoys the exhilarating buzz a warm cup of Keith's Cacao provides him.