Introducing the Cool and Creamy Iced Ceremonial Cacao Delight! As the sun begins to shine brighter and the temperature rises, it's time to embrace the warmer seasons in the most refreshing way possible. Say goodbye to hot drinks and hello to a frosty indulgence that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and invigorated. Enter the world of Iced Keith's Cacao – a tantalizing treat that will keep you cool while unlocking a treasure trove of benefits!
When a block of the original and world's finest Ceremonial Cacao arrives at your door, you have the honor of unwrapping Cacao in its purest form. Storing and preparing it with love and intention opens you up to receive its benefits in the most potent and powerful way. Follow these tips to unlock the power of Keith's 100% Pure Ceremonial Cacao to open your heart, focus your mind, and energize your spirit.